Lost Fantasy Rescue
Cats: 1   |  Dogs: 5   |  Pigs: 3

  Search Successes
Animal Success Stories

Many animals have come through our doors in the years we have been priviledged enough to do this work and for that we are very blessed. Many of our adopters have asked to include their own personal stories of the animals that they have adopted from our organization and we were happy to give them that chance.

Meet the animals who have found new homes and families who will love them just because.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

From her adopter: You need to add Ginger to your adoption page( happy endings). she is doing fine. gaining weight, bright and alert and get love and more love every day. she only has one problem, she thinks she owns the sofa!!!!!!! much love to you and your cause, Martha Adams, Ginger's mom Lynchburg