Lost Fantasy Rescue
Dogs: 5   |  Pigs: 1

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I believe that even when our animal friends have passed over into the spirit world they are always around us. Do you feel the faint brushing against your ankle, do you hear the faintest bark of your old dog, do you hear the hoofbeats of your favorite horse? Close your eyes and remember all of the wonderful times you had together with your best friend and know that they will be at the Rainbow Bridge to greet you when it is your time to cross over. Many animals have come into our life for a few brief moments but they have left imprints on our hearts that will last forever. I have included some of their stories below for you to read.

There is an Indian legend which says when a human dies there is a bridge they must cross to enter into heaven. At the head of that bridge waits every animal that human encountered during their lifetime. The animals, based upon what they know of this person, decide which humans may cross the bridge ... and which are turned away.

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Bruce was one of our Katrina dogs. Bruce a blind old Golden was found beside his 87 yr old owner Al who had died during the storm. We brought him back from NOLA and his remaining family found him here in VA. They gave us the greatest gift by allowing him to live out the rest of his life with us. He became a certified therapy dog with the "Cold Nose Warm Heart" program and brought joy to many people. On 8-28-09 just 1 day short of the 4 yr anniversary of Katrina Bruce was helped across the Rainbow Bridge to meet back up with his Daddy Al and his brother Duke. We will miss him very much

Missy (Me-Moo)
Me-moo survived 41 days alone locked in a destroyed bathroom after Hurricane Katrina hit and leveled her home. No food and only the rancid floodwater to drink. I brought her back to VA from HumaneLA weighing only 25 pounds and with an advanced case of heartworms. Sadly we lost her 1-14-06 to congestive heart failure from heartworm treatment. Fly with the angels little girl...Momma loves you now, always, and forever.

Fez came to us from PAWS when he was pulled from a high kill shelter. He was blind but we found out quickly that he also had massive seizures which a trip to VT attributed to a mass in his brain. Although he was not with us for a long period of time he made his way into our hearts and we will miss him terribly. He was helped to cross yesterday (11-3-06) when it became apparant that no amount of medicine was going to help him and his quality of life was gone.

Saved from a WV shelter weighing only 35 pounds Rat suffered liver and kidney problems due to starvation and had some neurotic issues that prevented adoption into another home..so he stayed with us as a "forever dog". Sadly today (9-8-08) he lost his battle with his liver condition and was laid to rest. He will be greatly missed by his motley collection of feline and canine friends and his forever family.

Maggie Rose
Maggie Rose lost her battle with heaves in January 06 and was laid to rest here at the rescue. She had severe heaves and struggled on for many months before she decided to leave us. We miss her deeply.

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